Welcome to Foodie Dream!
Have you ever dreamed about opening your own foodie business?
Are you one of those people that spend their weekends indulging in their foodie passion?
Then this book is for you and everyone who has ever aspired to turn their passion into a thriving business.
Chefs who are passionate about their food and want to go out on their own but are unsure of what they’re in for on the other side of the kitchen will find a step by step guide to what is required when opening their own business.
Managers who want to run their own race but can’t decide whether to go ahead on their own or with a business partner can weigh up the pros and cons throughout these chapters.
Do you sit at a desk in your office and wish you were behind a coffee machine producing the most amazing latte art for your customers?
Do your family and friends continually tell you that you should take the next step from the markets and open your own café promoting the best pies on the planet?
If you can identify with everything so far, then this book is designed to help you make the decision to move forward with your dream to launch your foodie business.
Do you already have your foodie business up and running and feel like you need that something special to take it to the next level? Perhaps you are struggling understanding the numbers and need some mentoring? Front of house is flowing well however you feel there is something amiss in the kitchen that needs re working. Foodie Dream can help you find the missing pieces!
I decided to write this book because I have seen many people go into business with a dream but no real knowledge of what is required to begin the process and make it sustainable in the future. I want to help answer questions and dispel some myths around the process of starting out in the hospitality business. Through these chapters you will find a step by step method including examples, tips and action items that will inspire and excite you to get started. Keep the dream alive and start out with your eyes open!
I have set out Foodie Dream in two parts. The first part takes you through everything before the launch which includes thinking about why you want to take on this project and how it will affect your life in so many fantastic ways, building a business plan, what it will cost and the design process. If you already have an idea of what you need to get started, the first part of the book will allow you close any gaps you discover.
Part two looks at what happens after the launch where your marketing and social media can take your foodie dream to the next level and maintain it into the future. I also look at how to leverage your foodie business by becoming an expert in your field and connecting with other businesses.
I have helped many people achieve their dreams from small hole in the wall coffee shops to large restaurants, drawing on my experience in the hospitality industry and finance. By pulling all that knowledge together into one book I have created a reference point and action plan for you to follow, thus helping you to make some important decisions for your foodie business.
As you read through the chapters and complete the action items, feel free to write notes and ideas on the blank pages at the end of each chapter. By the time you reach the end of the book you will already have started on the incredible journey of a lifetime.
Make it happen!